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  • chaitanya27.purohit@gmail.com
  • Want to add or update mobile number in Aadhaar? Here's how to do it

    New Delhi: Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique identity number that can be obtained by residents of India, based on their biometric and demographic data. It is one of the most important identification document in India. The process for Aadhaar enrolment of a resident of the country involves the use of certain basic demographic information combined with ten fingerprints, both irises and photograph to uniquely identify a resident through a process of de-duplication. 

    Aadhaar generation may take up to 90 days and the Aadhaar letter is delivered by post. Once Aadhaar is generated, you also get a SMS on registered mobile provided the mobile number provided during enrolment. It may be noted that if you are using online Self Service Update Portal (SSUP) to update your Aadhaar or you want to use Aadhaar SMS service, your mobile number should be registered with Aadhaar.

    Since Mobile number update requires mandatory biometric authentication by the Aadhaar holder, in case you have lost/do not possess the mobile number anymore that is registered in Aadhaar, have to personally visit the nearest Aadhaar update centre for updation of mobile number. In this case, you cannot update mobile number through post or online. There are no documents required to get your number registered with Aadhaar.  

    If you are using online Self Service Update Portal (SSUP) for updation, you can update your demographic details (Address). Worth mentioning here is that for updation in Aadhaar, either demographic or biometric, you have to pay Rs 50 (including taxes) to the service provider each time you get your details updated.

    Also, note that Aadhaar letter with updates is delivered at the given address only in case of updation in name, address, date of birth and gender. For updation of mobile number/email ID, the notification will be sent on the given mobile number or email ID.